Coalition for a Sustainable Cheshire facilitates collaboration between local organizations, government, and citizens for implementing environmentally sustainable, culturally vibrant, and socially equitable projects that improve the quality of life for Cheshire residents.

The Coalition for a Sustainable Cheshire...
Encourages collaboration between individuals, municipal employees, non-profits, businesses, and local organizations.
Creates and promotes volunteer opportunities for organizations and individuals.
Shares educational resources, knowledge, and best practices to enhance environmental awareness and sustainability.
Supports local and regional projects that align with the state-wide Sustainable CT initiative.
Provides information and support for funding opportunities for local projects.
Who We Are
Board of Directors
A. Fiona Pearson (Co-Chair) – CCSU, Department of Sociology; Cheshire Sustainability Team
Karen Schnitzer (Co-Chair) – Cheshire Land Trust; Quinnipiac Valley Audubon Society
James J. Jinks (Treasurer) – Bike Cheshire, President
Elsa Loehmann - Water Resources Engineer, Fuss & O'Neil
Patricia Mottola – SCSU, Department of English; Connecticut Poetry Society, President
Pamela Roach – South Central Region of Council of Governments
Jocelyn Therilaut - Cheshire Human Services; Cheshire Sustainability Team
Greg Wolff - Hartford Fine Art; Bike Cheshire; Ball & Socket Arts
Youth Environment Coalition
Jocelyn Therilaut - Director
Robert J. Anderson – Connecticut Department of Labor
Jennifer Dillon - Ms. Porter's School; Sustainability Team
Mark Kasinskas - Forester; Environmental Planner (AICP); Geographer